Dahil Pito ang Kulay ng Bahaghari

Animsè Ravy

Who Said Life is Fair?

The first time I encountered that phrase… when I was in high school… when our Advanced Chemistry teacher gave us a hard (if not impossible) to do assignment… The reason?… Our whole class skipped her subject just to practice a certain class practice for another subject. After loadin us with projects and assignments of projects and assignments… She simply told us: “Is it unfair?… Edison (the name of our section) WHO SAID LIFE IS FAIR?

Many times in our lives we will say that line… Maybe starting in that maternity room, when you first saw a light of a flourescent bulb… From your mothers womb, the very comforting room that have been your condo for the last 9 months. You were just three minutes and four second old… So tender, slimy, innocent of all things, empty ready be filled with love to feel the embrace of a mother.. Then out of nowhere, PLACK!… Some child-abusing doctor spanks you. Of course you will not find any reason why he should hurt you that way! Doesn’t my mom has any Philhealth? Or my father have any down?… Haiz! Life is unfair!

Your parents were now separated, and right now you are living with you grandmother… Well, who said life is fair?… Your dad lost his job and now you need to study harder just maintain your scholarship… Who said life is fair? You are termed as Rudolph for your Christmas Raffle, and for the whole year all your friends are calling you: “Rudolph” Haiz!, Who said Life is Fair?

Ok, Your bestfriend has to move with his family to another town… Is it unfair?… Who said life is fair… Life ain’t fair. Forget about fairness. But is it right? You’ll see then that God created the heaven’s and earth right? He made it in a way you can never imagined: He brought in the Light first before creating the sun, there is water first before creating the rain… He created the Law of Gravity: What comes up, must come down. and the Newton’s Third Law: For every action, there’s an equal and opposite reaction, reminding me of that letter of Paul to the Galatians:

Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. -Galatians 6:7-8

To make my points glue together, we all fall short of the glory of God, and all of us therefore deserves death… death of  comfort, death of happiness, death of fame, death of success, death of relationship. And because of man, God choose to be unfair to his one and only Son.  Jesus Christ, God’s beloved Son was born in a manger… Who said Life is fair? He was raised by a simple carpenter… Who said Life is fair? He is a prophet who was never recognized at his hometown… Who said Life is fair? Who made those sins?-Man, who was pierced for our transgressions? Christ. Who has the shame? Man. But who was crushed for our sin? Christ. Christ is the one who carry the punishment that brought us peace… If life is fair, I would be the one on the Cross…

Now who said Life is Fair?…